mailing list:
Ben Hall
1455 atlantic ave.
brooklyn, ny 11213
hours: thurs-sun 12:00-3:00

© 2013

CCC (Carbon Copied Continuum)
Saturday, February 9th , 7-10
Juan Cisneros
Jake Davidson
Luba Drozd
Adam Gordon
Elizabeth Orr
Iele Paloumpis
Tyler Wilcox
A thing is always only part of a whole. If that part is matter, it inevitably contains carbon. Matte or shiny, opaque or clear, carbon holds the biological footprint of all living systems. Diamonds, algae, stars, a Shiba Inu’s paw – carbon runs through the helix of all such matter.
Industry’s obsession with carbon, both on and offshore, is mostly through coal production. Nine thousand gigatones of carbon make up our coal reserves, heating homes and supplying our insatiable energy appetites. It is predicted that many portable electronics will soon be made of carbon due to its rigidity and lightness. Carbon is also ingested to absorb unwanted medications or toxins in the stomach. It’s a lifesaver, a market stimulant, a processed luxury and polygonal advantageous thing.
Conveniently, carbon is light and transferable. It’s efficient for recording transactions. But the carbon copy has changed course. It’s been replaced by an immaterial recording. These recordings are created to function and look like their physical counterparts (skeuomorphic). I.E.: Your computer’s address book may appear like a physical address book through form, color, and animation.
Just as the physical can be imported, so can the social: gender-roles, prejudices, and bias. Much of the time, the virtual is used as a carbon copy of conservative social structures – the same social structures that feminism and queer culture dissolve; structures that existed before the dawn of digitalization. Does the virtual need to rely on these? What are the consequences? Can the virtual be more than a manic mirror?
CCC is an evening of moving image, sound, and performance by artists who I believe use these mediations; who edit, sonify, and open the virtual to broader elucidations.